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Found 24091 results for any of the keywords a charity organization. Time 0.009 seconds.
Charity Comparison: Where Does Your Money Go? - State Farm®Is there a guideline to know if a charity is legitimate? Use these tips to find out more about charitable organizations and where your money goes.
Homepage New - JaipurfootBMVSS: A charity organization since 1975, Jaipur Foot has provided 2M free limbs and devices to the disabled across 23 branches in major Indian cities.
Charity Car Donations with Online Car DonationNow that it's time to get rid of your vehicle, it is time to think about a charity car donation. With a charity car donation, you provide support for a number of great causes. FAIR MARKET TAX DEDUCTION
Charity Registration | Nationwide | Gift Aid Registration ServiceAre you struggling with setting up a charity? If so, then Gift Aid Services charity formation registration services can meet your needs today.
JOM Charity Arts, Health, Culture, Community, Heritage, ScotlandWe are a charity organisation with a goal to combat the loneliness and isolation faced by both the youth and the elderly using ART, WELLBEING and other MENTAL HEALTH enhancing activities. Find out more about our Fundrai
charity-retail-system-charity-retail-software-cybertillCharity retail software and EPoS system featuring digital Gift Aid, ticketing and membership for Independent, Regional, National and Hospice charities.
Charity Navigator - Rating for Bay Harbor FoundationBay Harbor Foundation has earned a 4/4 Star rating on Charity Navigator. This Charitable Organization is headquartered in BAY HARBOR, MI.
Charity Navigator - Rating for Acton Institute for the Study of ReligiActon Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty has earned a 4/4 Star rating on Charity Navigator. This Charitable Organization is headquartered in Grand Rapids, MI.
Charity Navigator - Rating for Free PressFree Press has earned a 4/4 Star rating on Charity Navigator. This Charitable Organization is headquartered in Washington, DC.
Big Fun Run charitiesIf you represent a charity and would like to become an Affiliate Charity of Virtual Big Fun Run click here.
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